

23 Sep, 2021
Quantum Conversations TV interview with Lauren Galey and Zalah "The Quickening"
16 Jun, 2021
The Void is the absence of all material things. It is the essence of all that is, was, or ever will be. It is pure energy waiting to be manifested according to the desires and capabilities of a conscious person. It is pure Spirit. Symbolized as a space beyond the stars, beyond light, a space of pure nothingness. The Void is the field of all possibilities which, when contemplated, creates different degrees of probabilities of manifestation. The Void’s mandate is “Make of me what you wish.” The Void is point zero, where nothing can be divided. How can silence be divided? It is the sacred place where you become one with pure spirit and, eventually, all that IS. This is where Masters focus and merge with, to manifest. © Copyright 2020 - 2021 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation
14 Jun, 2021
Transcript of the Podcast below: The spiritual quickening is an inflow of Divine vitality into the body, which follows the affirmation of Truth. To quicken is to make alive. The quickening of the Spirit in the mortal body makes it eternal and incorruptible, not subject to death and corruption. Spiritual quickening is waking up the whole human to the full consciousness of what we are and how we exist in the ascended state of humanity. The sense mankind is only half-awake, going about in a dream and thinking it is real life. There’s no place to run right now in the world. NONE. You’ve got to be all you can be. The quickening is here. The quickening is where everything’s magnified. Everything you experience at this time is magnified. You need to understand the 16 billion year collapse and why it is that it’s so important. We took the billions of years and we collapsed it into a single year. This is something that I cannot stress the importance of enough as to what happens in the quickening . So this timeline was put together by a pretty conscious guy--Peter Russell. I love this: The planet itself is 14 to 16 billion years of biological evolution. And let’s just say it’s condensed into a single year. Listen very closely, the first nine months only simple cells evolve, in October, more complex cells appear the first multicellular organisms develop a few weeks later, in late November fish crawl onto the lands. December 10th dinosaurs appear, and they rule until Christmas day. Here’s a big one, in the final week of the year, mammals evolve, not until the middle of the last day does mankind even walk. Now it’s taken 99.9% of life’s evolutionary journey to reach this point. But, humanity is just beginning, five minutes before midnight language emerges, 20 seconds before midnight, the first civilizations appeared. And now with seconds to go, things really start to speed up in evolution. We’re now past the Mayan calendar evolution date of 2012 and they were right. That’s when time, as we know it would end, but life went on. It’s just faster now. The Renaissance occurs two seconds ago. If you can imagine the Renaissance just occurred two seconds ago, the whole of modern history happens in a flash. I’m sure you agree, wherever we’re going. We’re going very fast. And my point is the whole of society is in the quickening. Whether society realizes it or not. And because of this spiritual quickening , again, wherever you’re at is not just fast, but it’s compounded by being magnetized and magnified of where you’re at. You’re attracting your fear, guilt, and shame. You’re attracting your worries. So the only safe place to be is love and peace and connection with your Divine. These optimal dynamics are magnified, and so you’ll be able to magnetize, what it is that you want in your life. I can’t promote this Quickening enough. You were born during this time to evolve at the fastest rate that you could. You got to know what you have at this time. This is what you came to this planet for. That’s why there’s such a calling in you to become conscious, to be at peace, where you’re at. We all have to not just change, but we have to transform the way we think and how we feel, how we feel is through our heart. That is where your spiritual quickening is optimized. This is really, really important. If you’re going to get increasingly into the present and that’s where the future is at. All masters know this: The future belongs to those who live intensely in the present. The present is where your power is. If you’re gonna live in the present, then you gotta be completed with the past. And you will realize this by meditating on what you’re not complete with. Cause you will know what you’re not complete with when meditating . It just shows in the frontal lobe. When you’re complete, you don’t have any emotions around what happened back then, you realize everything had to happen for your spiritual quickening to happen and get you to this particular point. Just, let it go it was for your learning. Spiritual Quickening Tip: The Future Belongs To Those Who Live Intentionally In The Present The trade-off is worth it. You just have to trust that it’s worth it. Can you do that? That’s why childlike properties are so key, kids trust all the time. They come in here and they’re not nervous. The only fear a baby has, is the fear of falling. Childlike properties are the key to your evolution. Innocence, being the observer, which is part of being curious, with a light heart, trust, and presence, and love. The universe favors child-like properties. You see, you don’t see life as it is, you see life as you are, with all your filters, all your prejudices. The good thing about these spiritual quickening teachings is to keep them fresh in your mind. That’s why I open Friday morning classes up for free, but not everybody is ready for this level of truth, and thats okay. But if you’re going to make the most out of this life and live your best life. You’re going to have to understand that your power is in being present. If you’re going to be present, you’ve got to have trust. To manifest, you must practice this specific teaching. Can you do it? It’s up to you. You got to know what your will is. You can overcome anything, especially your old ways of being. If you will it to be. If you’re going to do this, you got to be committed to living your best life. You gotta become conscious of the opportunities that life presents you at the moment and decide you’re going to handle things with love. Will you be perfect? NO ! Am I perfect? God no, the teaching is humbling. The more you get into the spiritual quickening teaching, the higher bar you will have. Eventually, you could override your old neural nets, and you can overcome each and every neural net that holds you and you could replace it with the vertical letters of God, another acronym for God is “Grand Overall Designer”, you’re going to redesign your mind to lead with love. Life is a matter of love first will second. The other acronym for God that I like is what G.O.D. “Gratitude, Observer, Dream-state”. Can you get all the way down to Gamma brain waves ? You got to go through the brainwaves of Beta, Alpha, and Theta then maybe you can get into Gamma, which is only obtained by being very calm. You only get to be that calm if you’re complete with your past. So this specific spiritual quickening teaching is key to your understanding of how to access your Divinity through tranquility. It’s through these brainwave phases of beta, alpha, theta, delta, and possibly gamma that youb evolve. Gamma requires extensive teaching and training to get into.
By Zalah 20 Jan, 2021
Sacred / Sacredness is one of many words that if you come from a religious background may be difficult to transition into a non-religious spiritual term for your own personal practice. But sacredness is truly key to connecting to your full Beingness, your spiritual Self and the deeper connection that is to be had with nature, people and your life in general. Sacredness and Purpose are inextricably combined, and many people are currently feeling a lack of purpose in their lives. Your primary purpose is to reconnect with your Spirit. This is done by being sacred about your purpose and all of life. Let’s dive into a look at sacred / sacredness for the purposes of bringing that empowerment to your life. When the word God, Holy or Divine is used remember that the definition for those terms are far beyond religion’s perspective alone. You can read more about these definitions HERE. The definition of Sacred is so holy it cannot be described by human words. It is beyond the beyond of description by words – it is something that you feel. Sacredness is a feeling that not only relates to a deep and focused spiritual experience but also something you experience when you take time to connect with your heart, with the spirit of something. A benchmark of sacredness many people can relate to is when they truly take the time and space to connect to nature, when they feel the “awe” of a mountain view or the ocean. Sacred is Divine absolute. Truly holding something with your heart. It means ultimately honoring the most Holy respect for God/Oneness/The Universe/The Source/The if your very life depended upon it. Sacredness is THE priority of life and ultimately appreciated as an insight that will cause your human gratitude to be incredibly humbled via being in the face of true connection. Connecting increasingly to your Divine will certify this. As you learn meditation and take the time for yourself, you will feel this ability to build upon itself. Contemplation and practicing your Sacred Divine connection will cause one’s understanding to soar to the point where One will remember beyond this lifetime, and the many times when you just passed this life to return in front of the Divine light again. That Presence at that very moment is the ultimate Divine Sacred. Life is given as a gift in its many forms. Love life to the point of reconnecting to your Divinity, utilizing sacredness as an important tool in your spiritual evolution. Respected as inspired by God as being (w)holy; sacred Eternal, Wholy, Godlike. © Copyright 2020 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation
By Zalah 06 Dec, 2020
There is a physical body, an emotional body and a spiritual body. The humans that are on the planet at this time are here to access their spiritual body......their Divine, through accessing the upper four seals. The Divine refers to the Spiritual body, especially when used in conjunction with the word Self (Divine Self). We each have this and have access to it. It is the invisible (to us here in this dimension). It is in connection with understanding how we are experientially one with everything - the IS, God, The Universe, Absolute Love, etc. Remember we are not a human being having a human experience but a spiritual being having a human experience. It is through the Divine that you can access more of the 90% of the cranium. But one must access the top four seals of the body to do this. You need to understand you are a spiritual machine extraordinaire and you have the opportunity to access your Divinity while you are here on earth. You can be the Son of man...or the Son of God....depending on what seal(s) you are coming from. Its just Divine. Not many know what this is about on this planet because 99% are absolutely consumed with the illusion. © Copyright 2020 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation
By Zalah 02 Nov, 2019
Pure love is energy, not emotion. Pure love is both positive and negative, yet neither. God is the same. To tap into this pure power of love, you need to be in equilibrium, or balance. Your ability to tap into this power more deeply and direct it for your use, is in proportion to the extent to which you are in equilibrium. Simultaneous polarities start occurring at the base of all structure in this dimensional plane of earth—the atom. The atom could not exist without the positive and the negative, just like your life. At any time in your life, there is a list of positive and negative dynamics occurring simultaneously. You cannot get away from it. The negative is as necessary as the positive in your life in order for you to grow. Just remember, life is like photography; you develop from the negative. As you understand this meaning more deeply, you will enjoy life more and understand that all the dynamics you are experiencing in your life are necessary for your soul to become more “full-bodied.” You will also understand that the only way to really enjoy life is to understand that everything in your life is purposeful for your soulful evolution, whether you agree with it or not. An understanding of simultaneous polarities contributes to being in the present, not just for the above reason, but because you can manifest optimally by being in the now. Understand that the universe, as the great equalizer, equilibrates all things on an ongoing basis to generate evolution. © Copyright 2020 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation.
By Zalah 05 Oct, 2019
Integrity is what you do, and obtain when no one is watching! Each of us has a life mission to complete on our journey on Earth as integrity school. The primary mission here is to connect with your Divine and to be true to your Self. We find an infinite number of paths for lessons and experiences along the way. You must seek your own individual path, one that ensures you do not get lost— and yet contributing to the betterment of the planet. Primarily this is done by the path of living your truth - with absolute integrity. Integrity is the basis of state of peaceful balance. This means you always come from a place of total honesty and authenticity that is not impaired, corrupted or has an ulterior motive. When you do not live your truth, you create numbness within your human self, and the true joy of experiencing life will be elusive. You will not develop the wisdom that comes from knowledge. There is a big difference between knowledge and understanding. Therefore, you will have to experience unlearned lessons again and again until you understand integrity. Be sure to check out my upcoming book on this very subject- Integrity! This book will stop you in your tracks.... And make you think. © Copyright 2024 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation
By Zalah 07 Sep, 2019
By Zalah 03 Aug, 2019
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