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Zalah • Sep 07, 2019


Most humans on this planet have not even grasped that this is the plane of duality. Duality is the base reality function, which starts in the world of subatomic particles. 

All things in the physical illusion are made up of atoms. An atom is made up of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons, so it follows that "every-thing", all matter, is made up of positive and negative charges. Therefore, "every-thing" is information (in atomic formation) and "every-thing" has within it an opposite made up of a positive and/or a negative charge.

The world of opposites also includes other aspects such as emotions, thoughts, experiences, and relationships. Each has its own harmonic swing that oscillates back and forth within the concentric rhythm of linear time.

In linear time, the human creates this swinging arc of duality by rationalizing back and forth between the stimulation of circumstances in life and the reactions to those events. This process is often referred to as “monkey mind”. The opposite of monkey mind is tranquility. To rise above duality, to participate and live life in love, leads to joy. To live life in joy is to rise above dualistic human perceptions, and to seek out the Divine by understanding that all is, was, and always will be, spiritually perfect and purposeful. 

Dualism is linear, and to be linear is to be human. A linear existence is a limited view of reality. The human world takes place within the man-made, temporal constraints of linear time. Linear implies horizontal, and the opposite of horizontal is the nontime of the vertical. Vertical is the essence of the Divine, for within the purely Divine there is no time!

Sitting and practicing the S-Treatment™ allows access to the vertical nontime of the Divine. Through meditative, sustained, and focused silence, your monkey mind chatter is stopped. It becomes possible to listen to that still, all-encompassing voice of God within. This is where you access the new reality of your vertical, nontime Divine. Within the aqueous substance that flows in each of the cells of your body, there is a beautiful, celestial, secure centre spot, where relaxation with no fear allows you entry to access your Divine source.

The incessant daily “to do” list results in the do, do, do of duality that keeps you focused on the dueling phase of life, and separated from the connection of unity within the Divine.

The secret to rising above duality is to dedicate time to meditate. While contemplating peace, the fertility of your focused imagination begins to increase.

© Copyright 2020 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation
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The Void is the absence of all material things. It is the essence of all that is, was, or ever will be. It is pure energy waiting to be manifested according to the desires and capabilities of a conscious person. It is pure Spirit. Symbolized as a space beyond the stars, beyond light, a space of pure nothingness. The Void is the field of all possibilities which, when contemplated, creates different degrees of probabilities of manifestation. The Void’s mandate is “Make of me what you wish.” The Void is point zero, where nothing can be divided. How can silence be divided? It is the sacred place where you become one with pure spirit and, eventually, all that IS. This is where Masters focus and merge with, to manifest. © Copyright 2020 - 2021 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation
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