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Zalah • Aug 03, 2019



See: Void

One who is aligned with Source is a “Source-er.” Original Sorcerers specialized in Source, or God to make materializations occur.Tough to find one these days....but not impossible.

The limited wisdom of social consciousness has told us to stay away from people with the dark term Sorcerers, because the church told us that for centuries. The church could not explain, or do, what Source-ers did. This resulted in Sourcer-ers being called evildoers, witches, and entities not of God. It did not matter that most used their power for the common good, not for the ill use, most were accused of. To use it for evil meant they risked abusing their power and they would ultimately lose it.

Sorcerers are, in spirit, a light unto the World. They use powers accessible to all. Remember, all power can be used for good or evil, just like electricity. You can use electricity to make toast or to electrocute someone.

© Copyright 2020 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation
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16 Jun, 2021
The Void is the absence of all material things. It is the essence of all that is, was, or ever will be. It is pure energy waiting to be manifested according to the desires and capabilities of a conscious person. It is pure Spirit. Symbolized as a space beyond the stars, beyond light, a space of pure nothingness. The Void is the field of all possibilities which, when contemplated, creates different degrees of probabilities of manifestation. The Void’s mandate is “Make of me what you wish.” The Void is point zero, where nothing can be divided. How can silence be divided? It is the sacred place where you become one with pure spirit and, eventually, all that IS. This is where Masters focus and merge with, to manifest. © Copyright 2020 - 2021 Zalah at The Centre for Transformation
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