About Zalah - The Centre for Transformation


About Zalah: Founder and Master Consciousness Coach™. 
As with many of us, Zalah’s life had come to a point where the past begged transformation to regain sanity and make sense of the world.

His quest for a new path led him to get free of everything that had come to define him, including the dream of being a shareholder in the largest investment firm in Canada and actualizing a successful career in finance and investments. Eventually he’d had enough of selling his soul, for the corporate goal. From the outside, Zalah appeared to have the "perfect life.” Inside, he was confused miserable and wondering "what is life really all about?" After all, many of us have to lose ourselves, to find ourselves.
Zalah decided to go deep within spiritually. He found a real Master in another country and proceeded to study under him for seven years. He subsequently, returned to society only to face the task of growing through huge truth challenges awaiting to discover and live his own new integrity. 
This was anything but easy.

These non-denominational, non-religious, truth teachings are about accepting truth as the way to embrace life via your Divine and live by love, peace and integrity. These truth teachings, are about the Wisdom of the Ages. As such, once you take on these higher levels of these truths, life provides you with the opportunities to live your new truths. 
When the truth sets you free, you really see that all along, that life really happened -- and is happening “for you” instead of “to you.” 
Experience is truth. 
Zalah’s transformation was a matter of choice - over chance. 
Seeking to transform himself, he deeply chose to commit to the spiritual path- as a Teacher 20 years ago. Zalah chose to bring his transformative experiences to benefit others and give back with teaching and creating through The Centre for Transformation™ (The CFT™) in Calgary, Canada.  

Only this last year has Zalah chose to disclose his picture publicly and increase the public profile of The Centre for Transformation™. Up till now Zalah and his facilitators have been one of the best kept secrets in North America and beyond.

The CFT™ is not about following the teacher.... but listening to your heart.
We are a non-denominational adult consciousness school serving consciousness seekers and training consciousness teachers. We have been doing this for now close to two decades. 

Some have come to drink at the fountain of knowledge...others have come to gargle - and some have come to swim the sea of truth and become teachers. Our teachers have been thoroughly trained to facilitate, after many years of studying and living what they have been taught.

The CFT™ is now poised to train those from novice spirituality to the science of quantum mechanics. Some elect to become teachers and others come just to obtain clarity and advance their own evolution. 

One of Zalah's favourite quotes is: 
“The Teaching does not change you!
The Teaching reveals Who and What you are.
Once you have the courage to face that... transformation is at your fingertips."
All people from all walks of life are welcome. 
Our mission is to make sense out of life and advance the consciousness of the planet through knowledge, peace and love.  

You will know if our Centre is for you...... We make you think for your Self.


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